Deleuze and music - Intensive æsthetics
Université Panthéon Sorbonne-Paris I
Coordination: Costin Miereanu and Jean-Marc Chouvel
« Æsthetics », according to Deleuze’s conception, lies at the heart of his relationship to the creation of concept, and artistes are at the source of the renewal of our “ways of feeling”. The Deleuzian æsthetic consequently takes on a special role in thought as a whole, and this last session deals with what Deleuze called “ intensive æsthetics”. How has this attention given to art by the thinker been able to engage artistes in another way of thinking art?
. 9h30: Welcome. 10h: L'Itinéraire and Deleuze: intersections
Gilles Boudinet
. 10h45: Dreams and the process of parallelism as tools for the ‘plan de consistance’ and composition
Joséphine Papst
. 11h30: Deleuze and jazz: from resonating bodies to the musical event
Nick Nesbitt
. 14h30: Miroirs noirs - concept, percept, affect
Frédéric Pattar
. 15h15: Intensity and territory: the concert experience
Jehanne Dautrey
. 16h15: Micro-politics of the musical effect
Éric Alliez
. 17h: Music, philosophy, semiology
Costin Miereanu
. 17h45: Round table
. 18h30: Conference closure
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris I
Hall n°1 (Salle du Conseil)
12 place du Panthéon
75005 Paris
Metro 4, Saint-Michel – 10, Cluny-La Sorbonne
RER C, Saint-Michel Our-Dame