Deleuze and music - A nomad seminar

Tuesday 16 November 2010 - 00:00 to Tuesday 17 May 2011 - 00:00
Deleuze et la musique - Un séminaire nomade

Project directors: Pascale Criton, Jean-Marc Chouvel, Anne Sauvagnargues

Deleuze was interested in music as a philosopher, and, although music was not the subject of any specific book, it nonetheless held a privileged position in his thought. Just as he turned to the cinema, painting and literature in order to develop his philosophy, music presented him with the opportunity for a specific encounter with the operative domain peculiar to music. The effects of this in his work can be seen in, for example, the ideas of spatial and temporal multiplicities, of coding and transcoding, of thought processes through diagrams or affects.

In the course of these itinerant sessions, we propose a survey of Gilles Deleuze’s approach to music, a domain that has not yet been the subject of in-depth research in France. He did in fact very often refer to a broad corpus of contemporary music, from Berg to Messiaen, from Boulez, Berio, Xenakis to Cage and Steve Reich and moreover brought renewed consideration to sound signals as a whole and to their expression in space and time.

We shall examine, with reciprocal consideration, the impact of these tools of thought on research and on contemporary creation in music. We shall not only ask how Deleuze was inspired and instructed by the contemporary musical practice of his day, but also show how reading his texts affected creation, musicology, musical æsthetics, ethnomusicology, as well as techniques and technologies…

The seminar will make a contribution towards establishing the historical context, exploring the musical references, elucidating encounters with music in the philosopher’s work, but will also look at the interactions between music and philosophy, with the inflexions and tensions that arise from them for the music of today.

Gilles Deleuze. An approach to music: the issues

Tuesday 16 November 2010 - 09:30

Coordination: Pascale Criton

This first session opens the itinerant seminar by presenting different aspects of Gilles Deleuze’s encounter with music. We shall set out the main lines of Deleuze’s approach to music and the historical context of his philosophy from the 1960s (the serial approach, structuralism…): the musical and aural references in his work, the philosophical notions to be found in various texts that deal more particularly with the domain of music, the extensions of this approach in the case of composers who were contemporary with the philosopher.

. 9h30: Welcome
Laure Marcel-Berlioz, director of the Cdmc

. 10h: Towards a system of multiplicities
Pascale Criton

. 10h45: Musical and aural references in the work of Deleuze
Brent Waterhouse

. 11h30: Musical interlude

. 11h45: Occupy without counting
Anne Sauvagnargues

. 14h30: Voyage to the centre of the head
François Bayle

. 15h15: The Deleuzian reference in contemporary musical creation
Pierre-Albert Castanet

. 16h: Musical interlude

. 17h30: From smooth time to striated time, the issues in musical thought
Round table with the participation of composer(s) and researchers, on the reciprocal modalities of the tools of thought and of creation. Guests: Philippe Hurel and Noëlle Batt

. 18h30: Musical interlude

Musical interludes
Pascale Criton
Elle est mignonne
Valérie Philippin, Vincent Bouchot, voice, Didier Aschour, guitar
La ritournelle et le galop
Didier Aschour, guitar
Plis for cello
Deborah Walker, cello

Free admission, reservation 01 47 15 49 86

16 place de la Fontaine-aux-Lions
75019 Paris
Métro 5, Porte de Pantin

Analysing music with Gilles Deleuze

Tuesday 18 January 2011 - 09:30

INHA, Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis
Coordination: Jean-Paul Olive

This session examines the implication of Deleuze’s thought in the domain of musical analysis. The aim is to test the concepts in the light of the technical elements of the musical fabric: start with music in order to find philosophy.

. 9h30: Welcome. 10h: Small differences and meanings of the musical processes
François Decarsin

. 10h45: Compositional production: concepts at work in Ritornello
Sylvio Ferraz

. 11h30: The constitution of music; time and substratum in analytical concepts
Jean-Marc Chouvel

. 14h30: Deleuze and the operas of Berg: commentaries of an intuition
Jean-Paul Olive

. 15h15: Flux, energy, cut off
Makis Solomos

. 16h15: Deleuze, Guattari, Aperghis: multiple paths, aparallel evolutions
Evan Rothstein

. 17h: L'esprit des dunes by Tristan Murail
Carole Gubernikoff

. 18h: Concepts and musical material
Round table

Musical interludes
Georges Aperghis, François Rossé, Luciano Berio
Nadine Gabard, Jean-Yves Ravoux, Isabelle Radigon, voices (Cie Éclats)

Institut National de l'Histoire des Arts (INHA)
Salle Vasari
2 rue Vivienne
75002 Paris
Metro 3, Bourse – 1 or 7, Palais Royal


Sense and sensibility: from one logic to another

Wednesday 19 January 2011 - 09:30

INHA, Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis
Coordination: Antonia Soulez

This session deals with the spectrum of the different ways of accessing the philosopher’s conceptual writing, raised by music and its relationship to time. Starting with a few philosophies for which music acts on the philosopher, we intend to exhume the various types of logic by which this action is ‘schematised’ in the ‘becoming game’ of philosophy.

. 9h30: Welcome

10h: On musical immanence with Deleuze and Wittgenstein
Jean-Pierre Caron

. 10h45: Which diagram for music?
Noëlle Batt

. 11h30: Music from oblivion: Daniel Charles in dialogue with Gilles Deleuze
Carmen Pardo

. 14h30: Turning the inaudible forces of time into sound: Deleuze in the perspective of Pierre Boulez
Vladimir Safatle

. 15h15: Another notation, another approach
Patrice Loraux

. 16h15: Concept construction, with Deleuze and Wittgenstein
Antonia Soulez

. 17h30: Round table

Musical interludes
John Cage
Nadine Gabard, mezzo soprano (Cie Éclats)

Institut National de l’Histoire des Arts (INHA)
Salle Vasari
2 rue Vivienne
75002 Paris
Metro 3, Bourse – 1 or 7, Palais Royal

Rhythm, flux, fold - Materials: processes and production

Monday 07 February 2011 - 14:00

Université Jean Monnet-Saint-Étienne, ENS Lyon
Coordination: Béatrice Ramaut-Chevassus and Anne Sauvagnargues

The aim is to analyse the modalities and the production of sound material as is practised and theorised by composers and musicologists, by recalling the contributions of Simondon, who shed light on the conception of signal in Deleuze, conceived as an ever provisional individuation, a coupling of forces and materials. This leads to a consideration of music under the aspects of rhythm, flux and fold, from sound material to composition, from noise to cry and the voice.

Materials: processes and production

. 14h: Sound: wave or particle? A case study using analytico-synthetic procedures
Laurent Pottier

. 14h45: Modulation and transduction: musical resonance in the thought of Simondon
Ludovic Duhem

. 15h45: Two music machines
Frédéric Voisin

. 16h30: From the creation of forces to their capture: the structuring of musical time in the composition of Figurations
Jean-Pascal Chaigne

. 17h15: Round table

. 18h30: Concert

Premieres of Jean-Pascal Chaigne, works by Jean-Claude Risset, Zad Moultaka, Olivier Messiaen.
Soloists of the Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain EOC

Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne
Salle G05
33 rue du Onze Novembre
42000 Saint-Étienne
Tramway 4 or 5, Site Tréfilerie

Concert venue
Maison de l'Université, Maison de l'Étudiant
10 rue Tréfilerie
42000 Saint-Étienne

Rhythms, flux, folds - Encounter, listening, silence

Tuesday 08 February 2011 - 09:15

Université Jean Monnet- Saint-Étienne, ENS Lyons

. 9h15: Welcome

9h30: Encounter, fold, truth
Antoine Bonnet

. 10h15: Proust and the signs de Deleuze: a handbook for listening?
Pierre Fargeton

. 11h15: Atemporality, reductionism and silence: Deleuze, Beckett, Feldman
Jérôme Bodon-Clair

. 12h: Time, becoming, improvisation
Clément Canonne

. 14h30: Harmony according to the fold, from structure to texture
André Charrak

. 15h15: From cry to sound, intensive variations of flux
Béatrice Ramaut-Chevassus

. 16h: Ritournelles: rhythms, habitats, territories
Anne Sauvagnargues

Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne
Salle G05
33 rue du Onze Novembre
42000 Saint-Étienne
Tramway 4 or 5, Site Tréfilerie

Deleuze and music - Steppes: voice and territory

Tuesday 08 March 2011 - 09:30

ENS-Paris, Université Sorbonne-Paris IV
Coordination: Jérôme Cler

The ritornello, its different modes of dispersal, vocal, instrumental, nomadology, minor ‘becomings’: through what astonishing coincidences do ethnomusicologists, in their practice, encounter the texts of Gilles Deleuze? Did he not himself find in ethnomusicology a support no less relevant than the European tradition of composition? We follow the trail from ethos to work, from voice to territory, and mark out the rhythms.

. 9h30: Welcome. 10h: Dancers, plateaux and mountains: when the texts of Deleuze meet an ethnomusicologist’s terrain
Jérôme Cler

. 10h45: Nomads and settlers – Smooth and striated, the example of Central Asia
Jean During

. 11h45: Territories and evolving femininity in vocality
Édouard Fouré Caul-Futy

. 14h30: Dialogue
Richard Pinhas/Bruno Hues

. 15h15: Dialogue
André Bernold/Jérôme Cler

. 16h15: ‘Interface’: musical singularities
Élie During

. 17h: Encounter
Pierre Sauvanet/Élie During/Bastion Gallet

. 17h30: Round table

. 18h30: Recital with Jean During and Jérôme Cler
Projection: Derrière la Forêt, film by Gulya Mirzoeva and Jérôme Cler

École Normale Supérieure (ENS)
Salle Dustan
5 Rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris
Metro 7, Censier-Daubenton

Deleuze and music - The ‘Becoming’ of music and creation

Wednesday 09 March 2011 - 09:30

ENS-Paris, Université Sorbonne-Paris IV
Coordination: Danielle Cohen-Levinas

Gilles Deleuze laid stress on the notion of becoming: the expression ‘becoming animal’ [‘devenir animal’], a concept he created, is well known. His writings on music pay lively and constant attention to the phenomenon of creation, and more especially to the writing of music, going beyond its own present. It is thus legitimate, with all due care, to extend the question of becoming to music itself.

. 9h30: Welcome. 10h: Speed-duration with Deleuze
Antonia Birnbaum

. 10h45: Rhythmic creation and differential æsthetics in Deleuze
Aliocha Wald Lasowski

. 11h30: The musical becoming of philosophy
Danielle Cohen-Levinas

. 14h30: The wasp and the orchid
Frédéric Verrières

. 15h15: The metal line or instrumental sound uprooted
Frank Bedrossian

. 16h15: The ubiquitous ear
Pascale Criton

. 17h: Round table
Pascale Criton, Frédéric Verrières and Franck Bedrossian with Danielle Cohen-Levinas

. 18h30: Listening and projection session

École Normale Supérieure (ENS)
Salle Dussane
5 Rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris
Metro 7, Censier-Daubenton

Deleuze and music - Intensive æsthetics

Tuesday 17 May 2011 - 09:30

Université Panthéon Sorbonne-Paris I
Coordination: Costin Miereanu and Jean-Marc Chouvel

« Æsthetics », according to Deleuze’s conception, lies at the heart of his relationship to the creation of concept, and artistes are at the source of the renewal of our “ways of feeling”. The Deleuzian æsthetic consequently takes on a special role in thought as a whole, and this last session deals with what Deleuze called “ intensive æsthetics”. How has this attention given to art by the thinker been able to engage artistes in another way of thinking art?

. 9h30: Welcome. 10h: L'Itinéraire and Deleuze: intersections
Gilles Boudinet

. 10h45: Dreams and the process of parallelism as tools for the ‘plan de consistance’ and composition
Joséphine Papst

. 11h30: Deleuze and jazz: from resonating bodies to the musical event
Nick Nesbitt

. 14h30: Miroirs noirs - concept, percept, affect
Frédéric Pattar

. 15h15: Intensity and territory: the concert experience
Jehanne Dautrey

. 16h15: Micro-politics of the musical effect
Éric Alliez

. 17h: Music, philosophy, semiology
Costin Miereanu

. 17h45: Round table

. 18h30: Conference closure

Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris I
Hall n°1 (Salle du Conseil)
12 place du Panthéon
75005 Paris
Metro 4, Saint-Michel – 10, Cluny-La Sorbonne
RER C, Saint-Michel Our-Dame

Scientific committee
Jean-Marc Chouvel, lecturer, Université de Reims Champagne Ardennes, IDEAT
Jérôme Cler, assistant lecturer, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV
Danielle Cohen-Lévinas, lecturer, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV
Pascale Criton, composer
Costin Miereanu, lecturer, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris I, director of the IDEAT
Jean-Paul Olive, lecturer, Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis
Béatrice Ramaut-Chevassus, lecturer, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne
Anne Sauvagnargues, lecturer, Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Antonia Soulez, lecturer, Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis

Pascale Criton, Jean-Marc Chouvel, Laure Marcel-Berlioz, Anne Sauvagnargues, Katherine Vayne

Laboratories and partnership structures
Documentation centre for contemporary music (Cdmc)
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris I, Institute of æsthetics, art and technology (IDEAT)
Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV, Heritage and musical languages (PLM),
Centre for æsthetics, music and contemporary philosophy (CEMPC)
Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Æsthetics, musicology and musical creation (MUSESCREA), Study and research laboratory for contemporary philosophical logic (LLCP)
Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense Creation, Art, Philosophy (Créart-Phi)
Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, Interdisciplinary study and research centre for contemporary expression (CIEREC)
École Normale Supérieure-Lyon, UMR 50 37, Centre for Poetic Studies (CEP)
École Normale Supérieure-Paris, International centre for the study of contemporary French philosophy (CIEPFC)
Institut National de l’Histoire des Arts (INHA)
