Call for works - Screendance Centre of Burgundy

The Screendance Centre of Burgundy ( is currently preparing a collective dance film project for 2018 based on the 1653 Ballet de la Nuit (Ballet of the Night) by Louis XIV. The project consists or creating a 13 hours long dance film, split into 13 distinct one-hour long segments, that will be screened in May 2018 in the Castle of Cerisy (Normandy) from sun set to sun rise, before being uploaded to the Numéridanse page of our Centre ( Each of the 13 segments will be shot by a different screendance maker, using a different piece of electro-acoustic music.

The final projet will be similar to past initiaves from our Centre, such as:
- a collective dance film based on the Rite of Spring by Vaslav Nijinski (Sacre/ilège(s) :
- another collective dance film based on the Totentanz by Franz Liszt (Danses Macabres :

We are looking for 13 electro-acoustic musicians ready to compose one hour long pieces of music for this project, one for each segment of the night, divided as follows (according to the original libretto of the ballet:

1 & 2- First Watch: Night
3- The Courst of Miracles
4 & 5- Second Watch: Venus and the Graces
6- The Mute Comedy of Amphitryon
7 & 8- Third Watch: Hercules in Love
9- Witches' Sabbath
10 & 11- Fourth Watch: Orpheus
12- The Dreams
13- Grand Ballet: The Sun

The pieces of music will need to be sent back to us by the end of August 2017 at the latest, so as to leave enough time for the filmmakers and choreographers to make their film by the end of February 2018.

We are currently working on getting a stipend for each composer and filmmaker involved in the project, but at present this project is on a volunteer basis for those looking to experiment and collaborate internationally.

Please signal your interest in the project by sending a message to with a CV and a sample(s) of past compositions.

Date limite: 
Saturday 01 April 2017