13th Competition of Composing Contemporary Sacred Music

To promote contemporary sacred music the Festival European Sacred Music Schwaebisch Gmuend (Germany) organizes every two years a competition of composing alternating with ordering a composition by a chosen composer. For the year 2016 the festival organizes the 13th Competition of Composing and provides a prize of 2,000 EUR.

For the theme of the 2016 festival "Male and female" a work in the field of popular music has to be composed for vocals (mezzo-soprano) and small instrumental group (f.e. piano, bass, percussion). The work should take 5 – 10 minutes to perform.

The competition is open to all composers of any age and nationality.

The compositions are to be sent until March 7, 2016 (date of postmark) in five copies to:
Kulturbüro Schwäbisch Gmünd
Waisenhausgasse 1 – 3
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Date limite: 
Monday 07 March 2016