Infuse Présente : If Cracks were also your Seams

La Générale Nord-Est (Paris)
Thursday 31 May 2018 - 20:00

Flûtiste Tessa Brinckman conduira cette exploration d'instruments anciens (le traversière, et Caroline Delume sur le théorbe) et modernes (la flûte, flûte alto, flûte basse sur pique, Masha Lankovsky sur le violon), ainsi que répertoires anciens et modernes.

Flutist Tessa Brinckman (flute, alto & bass flutes, traverso) leads an exploration of the ancient and modern with French master-collaborators, Caroline Delume (guitar, theorbo) and Masha Lankovsky (violin). Two works by Paris/American composers Nissim Schaul and Peter Vukmirovic Stevens will premiere, along with those of Mark Applebaum, Elizabeth Brown, Doina Rotaru, Sigismondo D'India and Martin Lodge. The program reaches across the globe and centuries (Europe, USA and New Zealand), creating new language from ancient instruments, in play with visual projections by several of the composers.

portes/bar ouverts à 20h, musique à 21h
entrée gratuite

14 avenue parmentier, 75011 Paris