International Composition Masterclass with Pierluigi Billone

16/17/18 July 2014 | Flix- Tortosa (Catalonia)
July 17th 2014 | Conservatori de Tortosa
July 18th 2014 | Festival Sirga 2014 | Flix

This three-day masterclass is open to composers of all ages and nationalities. 10 students will be selected as full participants.

The International Composition Masterclass and Workshop with Pierluigi Billone and Ensemble Interface includes the following:

Each of the 10 selected students will receive a 90-minute individual class with Pierluigi Billone in Flix. Each student will have the opportunity to present his/her work.

Among these 10 works, 4 works will be selected for performance. Ensemble Interface will perform the selected works in two concerts (Conservatori de Tortosa, July 17; Festival Sirga 2014 Flix, July 18). Audio and video recording of the performances will be available.

Each full participant will have the possibility to attend the seminar held by Pierluigi Billone about his music at the Conservatori de Tortosa (the seminar is made possible thanks to "Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Campus Terres de l'Ebre" and "Conservatori de Tortosa").

Likewise, each student will enjoy free entrance to all SIRGA Festival concerts, featuring artists such as Ensemble Interface, Pina Napolitano, Marco Fusi, Alejandro Castillo and Luis Fernàndez Castelló, and much more concerts of free jazz and electroacoustic music !

Date limite: 
Jeudi 15 Mai 2014