Scelsi and France - Session V
Session V – President : Gianmario Borio
9h15 : Gianmario Borio, Faculty of Musicology, Cremona ; University of Pavia : Introduction
9h30 : Irène Assayag, University of Rouen : Giacinto Scelsi and Henri Michaux : a poetic, musical, artistic and spiritual friendship
10h00 : Luciano Chessa, Italian Institute of Culture, San Francisco – The spirituality of Rotative
10h30 : Break
11h00 : Daniela Tortora, Sapienza University of Rome : Around the creation of La Naissance du Verbe [Birth of the Word] (Paris 1949)
11h30 : Ingrid Pustijanac, Faculty of Musicology, Cremona ; University of Pavia : Materials for sound composition in Scelsi’s and Grisey’s works
12h00 : Musical intervention : Joëlle Léandre, double bass
12h30 : Discussion with the audience