Natural models and imaginary scenarios - Day 1

Friday 23 March 2012 - 09:30


9h30 Welcome by Laure Marcel-Berlioz and Márta Grabócz

9h45 An imaginary encounter: ‘duel’-type scenarios in the works of the three composers
Márta Grabócz, Strasburg University and IUF

10h15 Shifting models in the works for string quartet by François-Bernard Mâche
Jean-Marc Bardot, Jean Monnet University, Saint-Étienne

10h40 Analysing the imaginary in the electro-acoustic music of Jean-Claude Risset
Pierre Couprie, Paris-Sorbonne University

11h20 Natural models in the music of Peter Eötvös: between compositional inspiration and the construction of an ideal. The example of Kosmos (1961-1999)
Marie Laviéville-Angelier, University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée

11h45 The idea of an imaginary sound scenario and its relationship to the perception and performance of the mixed work Luraï by Jean-Claude Risset
Elsa Filipe, Paris-Sorbonne University

12h10 Formal and Expressive Function in the Work of François-Bernard Mâche: Implications for Narrative Computer Composition
Daniel Brown, University of California, Santa Cruz

Moderation: Pierre-Albert Castanet

14h30 Burial-Extraction. Traces of lapsed time (Peter Eötvös and François-Bernard Mâche)
François-Gildas Tual, CRR of Grenoble

15h The art of portraying drama according to Peter Eötvös
Pedro Amaral, composer, conductor (Portugal)

15h45 - 17h45 Round table in the presence of the composers
Introduction to the discussion by Jean-Claude Risset: “Nature against nature”

Moderation: Jean-François Boukobza

Musical interludes
11h05 Peter Eötvös Conte
15h25 Jean-Claude Risset Resonant
Soundscapes: 1/ Bells, brass, metal; 2/ Filters; 3/ Plectra