International Competition for Chamber Music Ensembles "Premio Trio di Trieste"

The 18th International Competition for Chamber Music Ensembles “Premio Trio di Trieste” will take place in Trieste in May and in September 2017. In 2017 it shall be reserved only to PIANO TRIO and PIANO QUARTET.

Piano, violin and cello Trio (cat. TRIO)
Piano, violin, viola and cello Quartet (cat. QUARTET)

The members of the ensembles must be of an age which, on average, does not exceed 32 years old on December 31st 2017.

Applications are accepted only if all of the above items are included and should reach the following address not later than April 15th, 2017 (the postmark shall prove the actual dispatching date):

Associazione Chamber Music
via S. Nicolò 7 – 34121 TRIESTE – Italy

Date limite: 
Saturday 15 April 2017